A Teen's View on After- the Book and Movie

 Hi Blog!

Back again! 

This time as promised I want to talk about After... the book and movie franchise, in January I read the books and honestly, they have changed my life. I had watched the movie beforehand many times but always had a sort of happy go lucky mocking tone when watching it as I generally didn't understand many motivations behind the plotline and characters. When reading the books it gave me a clearer look into the thought processes of the characters, especially in book 2, 3 and 4 (due to split view chapters).

Overall, for a book connoisseur, they aren't the most revolutionary books to ever be written (I mean they originated from Wattpad), and many people I have spoken to thoroughly dislike the back and forth love and conflict but as we've established, I don't like normal happy relationships. I actually enjoyed the dynamics of Tessa and Hardin's relationship as they argued and loved. In my eyes what is deemed a good book comes from the readers' attachments to it and how encapsulating it is... The After series was definitely the most mind whisking and mentally challenging books I've ever read. Not because of their difficulty to comprehend or long words, but because of their depth into the characters' brains and being able to see Hardin change as you changed with him whilst never even realizing.

Let's talk about the first book. After. I think this book is the best. It explores the characters very thoroughly due to its introductory nature, honestly, I want to read it over and over again. It creates such a sense of hope for Tessa and Hardin, and it can show a deeper connection between the two as there can be more scenes between the lines than in the movie where they have to choose which bits should be included. The book is pretty long but I definitely got halfway through within 2.5 hours, just because the storyline makes you want to keep going. I found myself going through all the emotions with the characters, but I found it interesting that I could even relate to the male characters which I had never really done before. 

Honestly, this book broke me more than I ever have been before and I found myself emotionally exhausted at the end after the heartbreak but also all my hopes were lost. It was really difficult for me to start the second book as I was so broken and crying the whole time, this didn't discourage me from hyping the series up though as it felt like natural true emotion and made me appreciate the quality of the book so much more. 

If you'd like to hear more about the next books let me know... 

I'm currently reading Wuthering Heights as in After they quote it as well as Pride and Prejudice, which is my next reading project. 

Anyway, if you liked this let me know and I will continue this but from now on it will probably be general little rants as I'm not very inspirational or structured.

This is me signing off.


Zabrina :)


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